Published by Chabad Chayil - Personalized by you - Distributed to everyone

For a printable ad/occasion form click here

Once again we will be producing our unique, annual Jewish Art Calendar. The calendar has received rave reviews and families have requested copies throughout the year. The calendar includes the secular as well as Jewish dates, along with beautiful pictures and detailed information about upcoming holidays, educational messages and Shabbat & Holiday candle lighting times. The date boxes are quite practical with ample room for recording appointments.

You have the unique opportunity to personalize this calendar with your business ad or special personal dates of meaning printed in the calendar on the date of the occasion (i.e. Bar/Bat Mitzvah, weddings, student graduations, birthdays, Yahrtzeits and anniversaries). Potential customers will view the colorful and informative Jewish Art Calendar throughout the entire year, providing maximum return for your dollar. We will distribute 5000 Calendars which will be displayed in homes and offices throughout the community thus insuring optimum visibility for your message, products or services.

The Chabad Center is known for its educational and outreach programs that are geared to Jews of all backgrounds regardless of membership or affiliation.

Please fill out this form carefully. We will use the exact information that you print here. If you include the year of an event, we will find out the corresponding Jewish date.

We thank you in anticipation of your support.

Rabbi Moishe Kievman
Chabad Chayil

Advertising Options
Business listings, personal messages, bar/bat mitzvah announcements, graduating student, etc. can be placed in a business card ad space.
Business Card Ad on Calendar Page | 3.35" x 2"
1 Month - $360 6 Months - $2000 12 Months - $3600
Advertising Space Throughout Calendar (not on calendar page) 
Full Page - $700
10.5” x 8”
Half Page - $400
5” x 8”

Quarter Page- $250
5” x 3.75”

Preferred Months:
For more advertising options please download the printable form or call (305)770-1919

Please include my family birthdays/yahrzeits/anniversaries - $54. Additional dates $36 each ($180 unlimited)
* Please type names exactly as you'd like them to appear in our calendar
* All birthdays, anniversaries and yahrzeits will be displayed in the calendar box on the date which they occur
* Years are not required but will assist us in determining your Hebrew Birthday (Years will NOT be printed in the calendar).
Name #1
Occasion #1:
Name #2
Occasion #2:
Name #3
Occasion #3:
Name #4
Occasion #4:
Name #5
Occasion #5:
Name #6
Occasion #6:
Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Payment Information
Card Type
Card Number
Expiration Date
CVV Code


Please include advertisement information and text of your message below. Camera-ready ads can be eMailed to  [email protected]    For New Years Greeting, please include the name of the person to appear in the calendar.
Example: Moishe & Layah Kievman or Family Kievman, etc.