Shavuot Schedule 5784

at The Family Shul


Tuesday Night // June 11 
Candle lighting time: 7:54pm 
Evening Service: 8:05pm

RSVP for Holiday Dinner
All night learning from Midnight

Wednesday // June 12
Morning Services: 10:00am
10 Commandments reading: 11:30am
Followed by full Dairy Kiddush Lunch
Evening Service: 7:30
Candle lighting from pre existing flame after 8:52

RSVP for Holiday Dinner

Thursday // June 13
Morning Services: 10:00am
Yizkor Memorial Service: 11:45am
Followed by Kiddush Lunch
Class: Sicha of The Rebbe: 2:00pm
Class: Angels & Real Estate 6:30pm
Evening Service: 7:30
Mystical Melodies 8:00pm
Yom Tov Ends: 8:52pm

*If for some reason you cannot make it to Shul for Yizkor, 
please let us know so that we can make sure it’s said on your behalf.

For a Shavuot Holiday Guide Click Here 
For Ice Cream Party Info Click Here