What Parents Are Saying

I wanted to let you know how much Hannah enjoyed the CHAPs program this year. In fact, that she was really sad about it ending for the year but she is very enthusiastic about coming back in the fall.  Every school day she eagerly looked forward to the program. All of her teachers – Morah Pearla, Morah Lili and Morah Chana — were outstanding. Hannah learned a lot and made several good friends among the very, very nice girls in her class. Overall, this was a tremendously successful program for Hannah and our entire family and I thank you for offering it.
Margaret Schorr

Dear Rabbi and Leah:
Congratulation to you and all the staff for the  warm, creative, and wondeful Chanukkah show that all the children performed last week. Congratulation for the organization on the stage, the food, the children's presents, the commitment of everyone in the program shows every day , where the  expression " Where learning is a work of art... and teaching is a work of heart!" comes true. I feel honored to have my child as part of this incredible community. I would like to give special thanks to Rabbi Levy for bringing such a sweet and lovely Chanukkah video to our lives,  as a parent I can't stop to feel  proud, and enthusiastic about the video. It will be part of our family memories forever. I have shared it with everyone in my family and friends. 
One more time congratulation  to all of you for this sucess!
Sara Fridman

Dear Layah and Rabbi Moishe Kievman,
I wanted to express my appreciation for the amazing opportunity my two daughters Libby & Taliah are given in participating in your Chabad Hebrew after school Program; Is the only program I know that provides the children every day with an after school Jewish education, with a safe, fun and enriching educational experience.
My kids are already learning the Hebrew alphabet and reading first few words, and also learning about the Jewish Holidays and tradition throughout fun and recreational activities, like Art & ceramics, Martial Arts, Drama, and outdoor activities too.

Both my daughters come back home every day from the Chabad Chayil Hebrew Program very Happy, sharing about their time in the Hebrew School, they love their Teachers that kindly dedicate a lot of effort to enrich the kids, with their knowledge, patience and fun too.

Thank you SO much for your great work and dedication , Directing this wonderful Hebrew Program!
Best Wishes,
Evi Plotnik

Dear Rabbi Moishe & Layah Kievman

My children Ziv and Keren are with the Hebrew school for the second year. They love it. They enjoy the time with their friends, doing their homework quietly and learning more aspects of the Jewish culture and History. This is a great way of building their self awareness of who they are.

Thank you for taking care of them and thanks to the lovely teachers that teach them.

Mazal Yehezkely


This wonderful program has brought tremendous join to my son. He has never been excited about school until the chabad program started. I originally signed him up for 4 days a week, after just 2 weeks of attending the program he told me he wanted to go everday and that he loved it so much. I am so thrilled that this program is available and teaches the real values of judaism in a fun and loving environment. I am very greatfull to rabbi Kievman and his wife Layah. I hope to be a part of it for many years to come.

Best regards
Joanne bendavid 


"The program provides a variety of educational activities in a fun environment and it is very affordable. My child is enjoying learning Hebrew, arts and crafts, games, martial arts, and listening to Jewish stories during story time. This program is a great asset to our child's Jewish enrichment as well as education."

Irina Bass

Dear Rabbi Kievman 

I am very happy with the Chabad Hebrew School after care program and the  warm, family environment that is offered to my child and her friends. The teachers and staff are friendly, loving and responsible and my daughter always comes home relating something new she learned from their program.

Silvia Vega


We were richly blessed with the great opportunity for our little daughter Leah to connect with Chabad Chayil wonderful After School Hebrew Program. She is experiencing a joyful and enriching time thanks to the outstanding Rabbanim, Rebbetzim and Morim who make their best effort to provide our children a Jewish sense of Identity pursuing to comply with Hashem's will to build up a World suitable to bring back The Divine Presence. May we all be blassed richly to help, get involved and contribute to further develop this endeavor for generations to come. Count on me for any interview. I'll be happy to help.  

Shalom Noberto Grinstein

 "The Chabad Chayil Hebrew after school Program is an all inclusive, well rounded Program. It not only teaches our children Hebrew, Judaic Studies, and Jewish Customs, but it also provides a fun and safe environment where our children  socialize with other Jewish children as well. This is the first time we experience a Hebrew after school Program that includes fun and healthy activities such as Karate and Ceramics...."

Esther Poler (parent of Maya and Isaac, ages 8 and 7)


The Hebrew program at Aventura Waterways is a great opportunity for our son to be part to this community by learning about Jewish tradition, Holidays, Story of Israel , Prayers,  Hebrew and much more  under a pleasant and lovely environment. We are grateful to the complete staff for such as good caring  and amazing learning expiriences they give to children every day.

Sara Fridman


In The News

Sun Sentinal : "It's the most vital Jewish organization for our generation," Lipskar explained. "For many children, Chabad's program is their only connection to their Jewish roots." Read More 

Aventura News: It’s no surprise to the community that Dade county’s #1 rated after-school program happens to be run by Chabad! An educational consulting company hired by Miami-Dade to rate all county after-school programs, has rated Chabad Chayil’s program one of the best. After spending two weeks observing and analyzing every aspect of Chabad’s program, Cynthia Serure, president of A Gift for the Soul, Inc. concluded that program was exemplary. “This program scored at the top on virtually all analytical criteria including quality of staff, student-teacher interaction, and curriculum,” said Serure. “It is a model program.” Read More

The Jewish Press:
 Over 200 parents and guests recently filled the Bal Harbour ballroom for the commencement dinner of the After School program of Chabad Hebrew School (CHS). The children, ages 5-12, performed “Around the Year,” singing songs about the Jewish holidays in 4 languages. South Florida is a melting pot of so many nationalities and Chabad Hebrew School is a mix of children from varied backgrounds.  Read More

Jewish Press Updated: To date, over 700 children and 500 families have enjoyed the program. Dozens of bar and bat mitzvahs have been coordinated. CHAP offers several tracks. A five-day track that includes Hebrew, Jewish holidays, art, ceramics, drama, music, tikkun olam, homework help, and a Wednesday-only program that focuses on Hebrew and holidays. Read More

Jewish Journal: Chabad Chayil's Hebrew after-school program at the Aventura Waterways K-8 Center was recently rated as one of the best in Miami-Dade County by A Gift for the Soul, an educational consulting company hired by the county. Read More

Miami Herald: An educational consulting company hired by Miami-Dade County has rated Chabads Hebrew After-School Program one of the best in the county. Cynthia Serure, president of A Gift for the Soul, Inc., spent two weeks observing and analyzing every aspect of Chabads program and concluded the program was exemplary.

“This program scored at the top on virtually all analytical criteria including quality of staff, student-teacher interaction, and curriculum,” Read More

Lubavitch International: With pastels, paints and drawing tools at her fingertips, six-year-old Veronica Benarroch is absorbed in finishing her new ceramic while the children around her mold their pieces with similar concentration. Soon she’ll have a snack, read some books or watch a Jewish themed video at the  Read More

What children are saying... see the interview !