We know that these have been challenging times for everyone and for children in particular. Many camps have been canceled, including ours, since our current facility won't allow for it to be done in a properly social-distancingly safe way. (If you know of a nearby suitable available facility please let us know asap). We are therefore delighted to share with you two great options, for overnight camps this summer, one for boys, right here in Florida, and the other for girls in the Poconos. Rest assured your children will be in a safe environment adhering strictly to CDC, State, and ACA guidelines.
Disclaimer: Although we are on the oversight committee, none of these camps are directed by Chabad Chayil. We just think they are excellent options for the community and are happy to let you know about them. Should you have any further questions or concerns and need extra representation, we are happy to facilitate that.
Find out more about the camp for boys at CKidsGanIsrael.com and for girls at CGIpoconos.org.
Every year, Camp Gan Israel of Highland Lakes kept camp tuition at cost price, in order to enable every child to attend. For those who could not afford our cost, we fundraised the difference. Overnight tuition however is much higher and since these camps are not ours to give discounts, please let us know if you need our help with obtaining scholarships. Also if you are able to help provide scholarships for children in need, would be an amazing Mitzvah. Please let us know either way.
Rabbi Moishe & Layah Kievman