Happy New Year!
Join us for the holidays at The Family Shul
For anyone who will be staying home this Rosh Hashana, download these key prayers. Try to at least join us on the first day of Rosh Hashana 6:00pm for Shofar & Tashlich in the park

Service Schedule
5785 (2024)


Saturday, Sept 28

Farbrengen: 12:00am
Selichot: 1:11am

Selichot: 8:40am
Shacharit: 9:00am

Rosh Hashanah Eve 
Wed, Oct 2

Selichot: 8:00am
Shacharit: 9:00am
Light candles at: 6:47pm 
Evening Services: 7:00pm 
RH Dinner: 8:20pm -

Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Thurs, Oct 3

Services: 9:00am
Kids Program with Breakfast: 10:00 

Shofar Sounding: 11:45am 
Kiddush Lunch following services
Mincha: 1:30pm 
Walk to Tashlich: 5:40pm
Tashlich in Park: 6:00pm
Evening Services: 7:00pm 
RH Dinner: 8:20pm - 
Light candles* after: 7:38 pm

Rosh Hashanah Day 2
Fri, Oct 4

Services: 9:00am
Kids Program with Breakfast: 10:00  
Shofar Sounding: 11:45am 
Kiddush Lunch following services

Light Shabbat Candles at 6:45pm
Say Blessing 3
Evening Services: 7:00pm 
Shabbat Dinner: 8:00pm
Outdoor Shofar Blowing
 Outside Chabad Chayil
12:00pm Outside Chabad Chayil
2:00pm Outside Chabad Chayil

Outside Chabad Chayil
Anytime Outside Chabad Chayil. There’s usually someone there who can blow for you with pleasure!
Anywhere If you can't make it out of your home and live within walking distance to us, reach out to [email protected] & we will send someone to blow outside of your home or location of choice! 
We already have several locations throughout the neighborhood, so there may already be one near you! 

Shabbat Shuva
Sat, Oct 5

Services: 10:00am
Kiddush Lunch following services
Evening Services: 6:15pm
Chassidic Melodies: 7:00pm 
Yom Tov / Shabbat End: 7:36pm

Fast of Gedalya
Sun, Oct 6

Fast begins: 6:07am 
Morning Services: 9:00am
Mincha: 6:30pm 
Break Fast at: 7:29pm

Erev Yom Kippur Eve 
Fri, Oct 11

Shacharit at 9:00am
Mincha: 4:00pm
Pre-fast Meal at 6:00pm 
Light Candles at: 6:38 pm 
Fast Begins at: 6:38 pm 
Kol Nidrei Services: 6:45pm

Yom Kippur Day 
Sat, Oct 12

Morning Services: 9:00am  
Yizkor Memorial Service 12:00
Musaf: 1:00
Mincha Service: 5:00pm 
Neilah - Closing: 6:00pm 
Followed by full break-fast
Fast ends at: 7:29pm

RSVP  for Pre-fast/Break-fast Dinner 

Order Lulav & Etrog here 

All are welcome to use our Sukkah at any time! To join the community meals in the Sukkah - 

Wed, Oct 16
Shacharit: 9:00am 
Light Candles at: 6:33pm 
Evening Services: 6:45pm
Sukkot Dinner: 7:30pm - 

Thurs, Oct 17
Morning Services: 10:00am
Followed by Kiddush Lunch 
Evening Services: 6:40pm 
Light Candles* after: 7:25pm 
Sukkot Dinner: 7:30pm - 

Fri, Oct 18
Morning Services: 10:00am  
Followed by Kiddush Lunch
Light Candles: 6:31pm
Evening Services: 6:40pm 

Shabbat Dinner: 7:45pm -  RSVP

Sat, Oct 19
Morning Services: 10:00am  
Followed by Kiddush Lunch
Evening Services 6:15pm
Shabbat / Holiday Ends: 7:23pm

Chol Hamoed
Shacharit Daily: 9:00am 
Mincha Maariv: 6:40pm

Hoshana Rabbah, Tuesday Night

Chumash Devarim from 10:00pm
Tehillim at 1:05am
(Order Hoshanos by Sunday)
Shacharit: 9:00am

Shemini Atzeret Eve
Wed, Oct 23

Morning Services at: 9:00am

(Order Hoshanos by Suday)
Light Candles at: 6:27pm 
Evening Services: 6:35pm 
Followed by Kiddush & Hakafot

RSVP   for Dinner

Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah
Thurs, Oct 24

Morning Services: 10:00am  
Yizkor Memorial Service 11:20am
Prayer for Rain 11:40am
Followed by Kiddush Lunch
Evening Services: 6:35pm 
Followed by BBQ Kiddush & Hakafot 
Light Candles* after: 7:19pm

 for Dinner

Simchat Torah
Fri, Oct 25

Morning Services: 10:00am 
Followed by Kiddush & Hakafot at 11:00am

Light candles at: 6:25pm
Evening Services: 6:35pm 
Shabbat Dinner: 8:15pm -  RSVP

Shabbat Bereishit
Sat, Oct 26

Morning Services: 10:00am 
Followed by Kiddush Lunch 
Mincha: 6:05pm
Shabbat/Holiday end at: 7:18pm  


Seat Reservations
The prayers are warm. The melodies are timeless. The people are friendly. The kids have a program. And everyone feels at home.

Services conducted in English and Hebrew, with simultaneous insights and explanations into the prayers, practices & rituals. Special children’s holiday program & service.

Advanced RSVP recommended. There is no charge for seats.

Suggested Optional Donation: $180 per adult. $36 per child.

Kids' Program
Led by our experienced and energetic group leaders, we will provide fun and educational programs for your children while you attend services. Each group will enjoy age appropriate games, stories, discussions, prayers and songs.
Includes Breakfast & Kiddush Lunch!

Tashlich Service

 Tashlich & Shofar in Highland Lakes Park

Sunday, Sept 20, 6:00pm

209th Street Entrance - Across Playground.

For All Men, Women & Children. No Membership or Experience Necessary. Walk from Chabad Chayil at 5:40.

In the late afternoon of Rosh Hashana, the entire community joins together in a proud processional for the observance of tashlich. Representing the themes of renewal and rejuvenation, this tradition also has a way of demonstrating a spirit of communal solidarity as young and old march and sing together while en route to perform a fascinating mitzvah.


Holiday Appeal
Increase your generosity of tzedakah (charity) during the High Holiday season. "Repentance, prayer, and charity take away the severity of the decree".

Holiday Guide
Holiday Prep
Rosh Hashanah Megasite
Yom Kippur Megasite
Holiday Times

Further Reading
The High Holidays is a time when we reflect the past year, and affirm our membership for the incoming year in the Jewish nation. Take a few moments and read some interesting and new handpicked High Holiday features from our site. You'll find something to share with your family, and perhaps gain a new perspective on the high holidays.

Free Membership ~  Seat Reservations ~  Just for Kids ~ Lulav and Etrog Sets
Aliyah HonorsHigh Holiday Mega Site ~  Take a Glance at The High Holiday Prayers 
Send FREE Shana Tova card to your friends & family 
(305) 770-1919

Quick Links 
Directions ~  About Our Shul ~  Free Membership ~  High Holidays ~  Club 18 ~  Donate ~ 
Hebrew School ~ Bar Mitzvah Club ~  Lifecyle Events ~  Cemetary Plots ~  11 Reasons 
