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Click here for the Dedicate a Square Foot campaign
Watch today's construction on our YouTube Channel or Facebook Page
Check the construction videos history page.. Get excited each step of the way!
The need is urgent! The time do it it is now!
Help make this dream a reality!
Please dedicate a part of the building or as many square feet as you can!
For a list of construction items needed click here To make a quick donation click here
Please let us know in what capacity you can help. Materials, Services, Financially, Loans, Fundraising...
The new 5 story building will host our current award winning programs: CHAP, CKids, CTeen, GROW, Hebrew School & Dovid Bryn Library. It will G‑d willing include 14 Regular Classrooms, 2 Specialty Classrooms, Adult & Children's Libraries, Indoor Playground, Jungle Gym, Social Hall & Rooftop Park! With over 36,000 sf of indoor space and 10,000 sf of rooftop park and terraces, it will be a gem for the community, allowing us to expand our current programming and services to include a preschool & a whole line up of extra curricular activities! If you would like to join any of the committees, make a donation of any sort (financial, building materials, services..) or want to help in any way, please let us know!
Dedications are upgradeable, as long as the upgrade is still available.
Any dedication whose price goes up after they already dedicated it,
gets it for the original price, even if they haven't yet paid in full.
Dedications Available
Building Founder Dedication $1m - Dedicated
in honor of Alberto Azout Zafrani z'l
Indoor Themed Playground $360,000 - Dedicated
In loving memory of Batsheva bat Mordecahi & Eliyahu ben Shlomo
Lobby $180,000 - Dedicated
By Barry Snyder, esq
Front Door Mezuzah $180,000 - Dedicated
By Levi Sudak in honor of Zeidy & Bubby Bernstein
Welcome Wall $136,000 - Dedicated
By Moshe & Lilian Tabacinic
Shul Mezuzah $124,000 - Dedicated
By Moshe & Lilian Tabacinic
Library Balcony $66,000 -
By the Solomon-Barcon Family
Pantry $54,000 -
In memory of Reb Pinchas Szleif
Nursing Lounge $36,000 - Dedicated
By Shmulie & Sara Bonnardel
Women's Foyer Lounge $36,000 - Dedicated
By Daniel & Liby Gabrielov
Tree of Life $36,000 - Dedicated
By Matis & Hodaya Abarbanel
Ner Tamid $36,000 - Dedicated
in memory of Don Alberto Azout Zafrani by the Solomon Family
Donor Wall Display $36,000 - Dedicated
By Nathan & Diana Bursztyn in memory of Bernardo & Jana Bursztyn z'l
Picture of The Rebbe -
By Mendy Korf in honor of his parents, The Rebbe's Head Shluchim to Florida
Library Computer System $10,000 - Dedicated
By Brandy Pollack
Building Campaign Name $260,100+
Hand in Hand. Foot by Foot!
Website, Brochure, Social Media, Marketing & Campaign Integrated Smart Wall
Campus Dedication $2.601m+
Multipurpose Room / Social Hall $770,000+
8,000 SF Rooftop Park $613,000+
Library / Beit Medrash $540,000+
First Floor Dedication $500,000+
Second Floor Dedication $450,000+
3rd/4th Floor Dedication $360,000+
Children's Library $360,000+
North Parking Lot $275,000+
Commercial Meat Kitchen $250,000+
Office Wing $180,000+
Western Wall Patio $180,000+
East Side Patio $180,000+
Women's Section $180,000+
Social Hall Lobby $180,000+
Rooftop Kitchen BBQ Area $154,000+
Elevator $136,000+
Main Staircase $126,000+
Commercial Dairy Kitchen $101,000+
Art Gallery Staircase (2 Available) $90,000+
Art Classroom $72,000+
Music Classroom $72,000+
Classroom (12/14 Available - See below) $54,000+
Library/Shul Foyer $52,000+
Big Screen Theater Display & Sound $45,000+
Welcome Desk Reception $42,000+
Dumbwaiter Service Elevator $32,000+
Tutoring Room $24,000+
Mezuzah (28/30 Available - See below) $18,000+
Library Bookcase (23/28 Available - See below) $6,130+
Bathroom Stall (24/26 Available - See below) $2,200+
Other Dedications
Your Name CHAP $1M
Your Name Preschool $1M
Your Name CTeen $613K
Your Name Seniors $613K
Click here for the Dedicate a Square Foot campaign
Classroom Dedicated
In memory of Zvi Yoram ben Avraham Halevi
Mezuzahs Dedicated
Dani & Hofit Azuelas
Casper / Bronstein Family
Coifman Family
Evelyn & Sergio Faigenblat
Avi & Itta Freundlich
Yitzhak & Shiry Hartzy
Danny & Clara Kattan
Robert & Lorena Lechter
Masarano Family
Angel & Lucy Peralta
Motty Sternberg
Meytal & Eli Sutton
Dr. Benny & Reyna Weinbach
Bookcase Dedicated
By Marcos & Esther Fintz and Leon & Fela Fintz in loving memory of their brother, Jose Fintz z'l
By Susan & Dan Dengate in loving memory of Lawrence & Hannah Koenig
By June Maleh & Family
In honor of our dear friends Stephanie and Alberto Perlman from Evelyn and Isaac Marcushamer
By Samuel & Elianne Morhaim
By the Kievman Family in loving memory of R Yosef ben R Avarhahm & Tzipora bas R Aharon Aryeh
By Nicolas Bonder & Alexander Rossian
Bathroom Stall Dedicated
Shneur Carlebach
Barry Snyder
Original Architectural Design by Jacques Mandowsky of Creative Art & Design
Also Available
Books $36
Shelf of Books $613
Library Bookcase $6,130 (See Above)
Temporary Shul Dedications
Sidurim/Machzorim (Prayer Books) $36
Chumashim $60
Memorial Board I $10,000 - Dedicated By The Haftel Family
Memorial Baord II $10,000 - Dedicated By The Sartan Family
Memorial Plaque $1,001
Kiddush Board $7,200
Mechitza (5 Available) $3,600 - Co-sponsor $1,800
Aron Kodesh (Ark + 2 Parochets) $54,000-$72,000
Silver Crown for Torah (2 Available) $10,000
Sponsorship Opportunities
Weekly eMail $72
Minyan Breakfast, Shabbat Dinner, Kiddush Lunch..
Sponsor a full month of a child in Hebrew School $260
$2,072 ($172.70 per month when divided over 12 months)
4 days = Founders Club
Circle of Friends
$1-A-Day Club / $1.80-A-Day Club / $3.60-A-Day Club / $5.40….
Any multiple of $18 per month gets you in the Chai Club!
To Dedicate Contact Rabbi Kievman or the Committee at (305) 770-1919 or [email protected]
To donate online click here. To pay with Zelle, PayPal or any other new-age method click here.
For wire instructions please reach out to [email protected]