Purchase a Lulav and Etrog - ChabadChayil.org
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At Chabad Chayil - Highland Lakes Jewish Center
Holiday Date
September 22 - October 2, 2025

Lulav Etrog

  • Order Your Lulav and Etrog Set Online!

  • Every day of Sukkot (except Shabbat) we take the arba minim, a.k.a. "four kinds." Sukkot is a seven-day holiday starting on 15 Tishrei and concluding on 21 Tishrei.

    What are the four kinds? A palm branch (lulav), two willows (aravot), a minimum of three myrtles (hadassim) and one citron (etrog).

    You can order a set here. Please remember to treat your set with TLC; they're fragile goods!

  • Italian Etrog Sets
    Includes Lulav, Etrog, Aravot & Extra Hadasim

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