
Shiva info for Danielle Parnes

Sunday, 28 June, 2009 - 1:45 pm


Shiva for Danielle Parnes is taking place at the home of her parents, Barry & Cheryl Parnes, 19921 NE 22nd Court, North Miami Beach,  33180.

Times of services are 7:00am & 7:30pm.

For mapquest directions from The Family Shul to the Parnes residents click here.

May Hashem comfort the Parnes Family among the mourners of Tziyon & Yerusholayim.

Comments on: Shiva info for Danielle Parnes

Myriam Wolf wrote...

Dear Cheryl and Barry,

My heart goes out to you in your hour of bereavement and grief...
May you find comfort in your family, friends and good memories of Danielle.
Sincere condolences,

Myriam Wolf

Kievmans, NY wrote...

Dear Barry & family,

May Hashem console you among the mourners of Zion and jerusalem. I hope that we merit the epoch of Moshiach speedily when you will be reunited with Danielle. Our thoughts are with you and we wish only the best for joy all your life.

Ari, Batya and Gedaliah Kievman

Arnold Goren and David Friedlich wrote...

Arnie Goren and David Friedlich are trully sorry to hear about your loss. Our most sincere condolences and please count on us for anything that we may do.

Noam Elkayam wrote...

May Hashem console You among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim.

May G-d speed up the the redemption, and all of Us, who lost a loved one will no longer be in pain , since We know that the resuraction will take place and once again Well all be united .

Barry Parnes wrote...

Shloshim for Danielle z"l will take place on Monday, July 27. Shachris & breakfast will be at 7:30am at The Familly Shul (directions at, followed by a service at Daniells resting place (lakeside) at aproximately 9:30. All are invited.

yatir nitzany wrote...

I was really sad to hear of her passing, i remember her from 7th grade, she was a good person, sincere condolences, Yatir Nitzany

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