Kaparot - ChabadChayil.org
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At Chabad Chayil - Highland Lakes Jewish Center
Holiday Date
October 2 - 12, 2024


  • Kaparot Reservations

  • Kaparot with chickens and a Shochet will G-d willing take place Thursday, Oct 10 
    Behind the Chabad Chayil construction site, near the preschool.
    They're charging $26 with a reservation.
    Chickens will be available 5:30 - 10:00.

    Please note: We are only hosting it at Chabad to make things easier for the community. If you have any questions re the chickens please call the organizers directly at 561-929-5377.

    Please add something to cover the credit card processing fees, as the entire amount goes to them.

    Can't make it? The next best thing is to do it yourself with money and give that money to Tzedaka. If you prefer that we do it for you with a chicken, please reserve and indicate that in the notes. 

    Chickens available by reservation only!

    To learn all about Kaparot, how it's done and why it's done with a chicken click here.

    For instruction on how to do it with money click here

    It is customary to perform the kaparot (symbolic "atonement") in preparation for Yom Kippur.

    The rite consists of taking a chicken and gently passing it over one's head three times while reciting the appropriate text. The fowl is then slaughtered in accordance with halachic procedure and its monetary worth given to the poor, or, as is more popular today, the chicken itself is donated to a charitable cause.

    We ask of G‑d that if we were destined to be the recipients of harsh decrees in the new year, may they be transferred to this chicken in the merit of this mitzvah of charity.

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